Monday, February 27, 2012

Christians Too Holy to Share Mistakes

     Praise God and hello to all who reads this blog post. This blog is designed in so many different ways and I pray that it will help you to examine yourself further if your to walk fully in Christ. We all are not perfect and never will be. We all have made mistakes and will continue to make them while learning from them.
Let me get personal here about myself. Years ago long before I met my wife, I was pretty far out there. I met a girl inside of mall in the metro Detroit area called Northland. Not long after, the Holy Spirit told me to leave her alone. I felt that that was not going to be a very hard task. Now when God told me this I was already in route to another suburban mall to meet up with the girl. I quickly realize that she was crazy acting!!! She had some possible fighting business to attend to in a store over some petty things. That gave me the chance to avoid her. Eventually I caved in and started dating her knowing that something just wasn't right about her, but hoping she would change or maybe I could change her. I was very disobedient to God by dating her, and wouldn't you know it, I got her pregnant!!!! Yes ladies and gentlemen I had a child out of wedlock! She made it seem like I was the bad guy which I was for messing with her but she is the mother who tossed my first born son across the room!!!! To top it off, she found away to take him away from me until the age of 18. Please know this that if it wasn't for me listening to God and obeying him for years regarding my emotions and feelings, I would of went into a crazy house or in jail! Jail is a crazy house right? LOL

     Here is my point in all of this. I have run into so many Christian claimers, bible studying people that are just way too holy to admit and share their mistakes. They act if though there are no mistakes in their life. We should be the first ones to admit our mistakes, mess-ups, and other such things because if it can help someone else to get on a better path then open up. A lot of you Christian men are just too hard and too macho to open up regarding issues that you had in your past. I bet some of you won't even open up in your marriages the way God has being telling you to do. I bet you have a hard time admitting to your mistakes in your own family. Try talking about your past mistakes no matter how ashamed you may feel and turn it into a testimony? Tell people how you use to be, what you use to do and how God brought you out of that? The problem with the Christian church is that a lot of us just act like our lives are perfect without mistakes. Myself, Todd Edward Davis is not too macho, nor too hard acting to share my past issue because, I want to be a blessing to others. I remember being around a group of Christians when we all were talking about things we did that wasn't godly, things we use to do and was able to laugh. While that was going on, I notice that there was one person that wasn't saying a thing like they were innocent. It has always been very hard for me to deal with hard macho acting Christians who can't open up. You don't have to tell every single thing about your past but make sure you are lead on what to say for that time.

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